This week’s Full Moon in Scorpio seems almost an afterthought in what has been a season packed with astrological events: a major set of eclipses have taken place in recent weeks and Mercury turned retrograde in Aries a few weeks ago. However, the celestial activity did not end there: this week sees not only this raw and powerful full moon in Scorpio, it also sees the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction that marks the beginning of a new astrological cycle become exact – and Mercury turns direct on April 26th. Taken together, I think there is the potential for a powerful set of messages to be delivered in the weeks ahead.

All of the above makes this Full Moon in Scorpio part of a much larger set of astrological influences that are unfolding this year: it may not – technically – have the more obvious power of the Solar Eclipse in Aries that we have so recently observed, but it’s certainly going to pack a punch – and is likely to do so in accordance with the deep, dark plutonic influences that rule this Full Moon’s sign. This full Moon is all about Scorpio and Pluto – so if you have anything to hide, forget it. Sign your confession and make your peace with your God. Preferably before the Devil comes for you…

Full Moon in Scorpio: The Essentials

The full moon in Scorpio culminates at 23:48(UT) at 4˚ 17′ of that sign. This full moon is often called ‘the Pink Moon’, not because it’s soft and gentle; it’s named after the native American phlox that is in flower at this time of year. It’s the full moon that marks things sprouting, growing and opening up – and as it falls in Scorpio, it carries the promise of renewal, rebirth and revelation; things that are long buried come to life, things that have appeared to be dead and buried are often reinvigorated – and things you thought you had buried within, often re-emerge and demand to be acknowledged.

Scorpio is a transformational sign, but nothing is transformed until its existence has been acknowledged. That is the first step on the road to redemption, a major theme where Scorpio is concerned because it’s at the heart of the Scorpio experience: we redeem our sins and we redeem our debts, and in so doing, we transform ourselves at the core level. That is the essence of Scorpio – and when the full moon in Scorpio reflects the Sun’s light, that message is written in the stars.

This is a powerful full moon because its power comes from the sign associated with power in its most visceral form; Scorpio breaks you down to your most raw and painful components. That is the process that has to be endured because its the only way to rebuild or reconnect with those things that are fundamentally important – like truth, honesty, authenticity, integrity. So, this full moon in Scorpio promises to dig deep and expose anything and everything that is diverting you from your core purpose. It’s a full moon that will focus your attention – and it will be ruthless and uncompromising in its effects. Sounds like it’s going to be fun…

Full Moon in Scorpio: The Chart

Lunations 2024 | Full Moon in Scorpio 1
chart from

Sometimes the powerful things are the most simple, and the chart for this full moon in Scorpio is a simple one: the full moon in Scorpio forms a fixed sign t-square with Pluto in Aquarius. And as you all know, Pluto rules Scorpio – and through that rulership, it rules this lunation. However, as with most things Scorpio and Pluto, the truth often lies as much as in what is unspoken as what is shouted out loud: a quick glance at the chart shows that there is more to it than meets the eye, so lets dig into the detail – as that is where the devil resides…

Full Moon in Scorpio: The Aspects

As I mentioned a moment ago, the full moon makes only one square aspect to Pluto, but Pluto ties this lunation into the bigger celestial picture: the approaching Mars – Neptune conjunction in Pisces makes a sextile aspect to Pluto and the Mars – Neptune conjunction in turn makes a sextile aspect to The Jupiter – Uranus conjunction in Taurus. In astrology, it’s rare for things to occur in isolation, so I’m going to look at the Square aspect to Pluto first, followed by ‘the background noise’.

Full Moon in Scorpio Square Pluto

The full moon square Pluto signifies a powerful principle – the power struggle – but what exactly is meant by that? In its most simple form, a power struggle occurs when two different entities compete for supremacy. That may manifest externally, for example where businesses compete for market share with the intention of obliterating the rival concern, or when political parties compete at an election with the object of wiping out their opponents. It happens in corporate takeovers, management buy-outs and in factionalism and ‘in-fighting’.

It also happens at a personal and internal level: if you have ever been assailed or tortured by a moral dilemma (the kind where your ‘good angel’ and ‘bad angel’ appear to be engaged in an almighty fight to the death) or you have been hurt or humiliated by someone’s intentionally spiteful or jealous behaviour because you have something they lack (money, beauty, intelligence, their ex…) then you will know how those situations fall into the category we tend to regard as ‘all or nothing’, because amicable resolutions or compromises are simply not going to happen.

The full moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius suggests that it’s ‘ultimatum time plus’; there are no tactics too devious, no lies too bold, no topics off limit and no buttons that will not be pushed. It’s unpleasant, unproductive, vicious, nasty and cruel – and it may be happening to someone near you. In fact, it may be happening to you – especially if this lunation triggers a sensitive personal planet or point in your natal chart, such as your ascendant, midheaven or a house cusp.

So far it sounds bad, but is that necessarily going to be the outcome? If you have been struggling to get some aspect of your life under control – whether your foe has been internal or external – this lunation may reveal what you need to do to reclaim the situation and transform it into something that something you can live with and is sustainable in the longer term. Brutal honesty is always required, together with the courage to do the right thing. Also, be aware – you may have no other alternative.As ever, you may observe the dynamics of this lunation playing out in big newsworthy events. May the best angel win.

Full Moon in Scorpio: The Background Noise

So what connects into this lunation? In many ways, I see the full moon in Scorpio as the key that has the potential to unlock a couple of important doors – beginning with the one marked Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. As you will know (if you follow this blog) Neptune in Pisces has been a challenging transit. As Mars makes contact, it’s going to stimulate and trigger some Neptune in Pisces associations that some people would prefer to forget…

Pluto Sextile The Mars – Neptune Conjunction

Pluto is the ‘God of Revelation’ and the full moon in Scorpio opens the door to some things that were previously concealed or unknown. It’s a classic ‘secrets and lies’ combination, but in its most simple terms, it may be possible for you to learn something that you did not previously know. And it does not necessarily have to involve either secrets or lies. You may become aware that you have been unrealistic about a particular person or a certain course of action. Unrealistic expectations may be revealed for what they are – and you may feel embarrassed or vulnerable as a result.

And if you were under any illusions before this lunation, you may not be so afterwards: disappointment is commonplace with this aspect – but it’s how you respond that’s important. This is an opportunity to conjure up a positive response to crashing down to earth: it may be better to know what you’re dealing with, rather than remain in a state of blissful ignorance. You may not know what to do to resolve a certain situation, but by simply acknowledging the situation exists, you may start to see things as they are, rather than how you imagine – or want – them to be.

Mars-Neptune Sextile Jupiter-Uranus

When two major transiting aspects are in sextile aspect to each other, there is the opportunity to resolve whatever is being signified by both sets of planets. If Mars conjunct Neptune is flagging up the possibility of illusion and disappointment in some form, Jupiter conjunct Uranus provides the opportunity to put that behind you and move on. The opportunity to do so may come out of the blue – and it may be an offer that’s available one time only. You don’t have to take it – but it won’t come again. This ties into the symbolism of this lunation. Scorpio and Pluto are binary – there are no second chances. So be brave, let go and take that risk…

Further Reading

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: Playing With Fire

Transits | Pluto in Aquarius: The Trailer

Pluto in Aquarius: What Happens Next?

Aspects | Jupiter Conjunct Uranus: A New Cycle

Neptune Transits Pisces: The Big Lie

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© Sara Shipman 2024

Picture Credit: Image by Gergo Sam from Pixabay

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