lunar eclipse in libra - image of blood moon

Lunations 2024 | Lunar Eclipse in Libra

The lunar eclipse in Libra has an easy aspect to Pluto. Events around the time of this lunar eclipse may suggest that 'easy' is not always good call.


Virgo: If it works, don’t fix it

I was re-reading some of my earlier posts and I decided to re-issue this one about Virgo. It's one of a series of posts I published while I was writing Real Life Astrology: Planets Signs & Houses, and if you're a Virgo or have significant placements in that sign - or you're close to someone … Continue reading Virgo: If it works, don’t fix it

New Moon in Virgo

Lunations 2023 | New Moon in Virgo: 15th September

This month's New Moon in Virgo provides you with turning point. The question is, which way do you go? Read on and find your way...

Mercury retrograde in Virgo

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 23rd – September 15th 2023

Mercury retrograde in Virgo entered its shadow period on August 4th. It goes into reverse gear on August 23rd. It's a big one for Mercurial folks...

full moon in virgo

Lunation | Full Moon in Virgo 2023

The Full Moon in Virgo culminates on March 7th 2023 at 12:40 (UT). As ever, the devil is in the detail - and Virgo does detail like no other sign...

march 2022 full moon

The Worm Moon: March 2022 Full Moon

The March 2022 Full Moon occurs on 18th March, close to the Spring equinox that happens only two days later. Like last month's Full Moon in Leo/Virgo, this is another lunation that changes signs after a few hours - moving into Libra as the lunation progresses. This is the lunation that marks the start of … Continue reading The Worm Moon: March 2022 Full Moon

the four astrology elements - air, earth, fire and water

The 4 Astrology Elements: Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

The four elements of the Zodiac, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, reflect the natural order of things. Why are they so important in natal chart interpretation?